Sunday, January 19, 2014


mission impossible

   All the great stories tell of heroes who exceed others' expectations, who face their fears, who experience a metamorphic transformation. But what of those who fail? Those who are unable to overcome the obstacles, destroyed by their obligations? If failure is human, and humans are all inherently heroes, what of failure?
     The answer, of course, is another question:
     What does failure really mean?
     Is failure getting an F on your biology test? Is failure getting cut from the basketball team on the first day of tryouts? Is failure dropping out of an Ivy League School because there was too much pressure even though you worked all through high school to win a merit-based scholarship just to pay tuition? And, subsequently, is failure living in your parents' basement at age 25?
     No, you say? Why are you shaking your head so vehemently? Isn't it failure when you don't achieve a goal you have set? In fact, Merriam-Webster defines failure as, "the lack of success."
     However, every single being on this planet is successful in existing, nullifying the possibility of failure for each and every single one of us. Since we exist, we cannot fail.

we cannot fail
you cannot fail
no matter what
we are successful
you are successful