Tuesday, March 18, 2014


the Dewey Decimal System

   When we visit libraries, we begin to locate the books on our reading lists. They are sorted in two main ways. Fictional books are organized in alphabetical order by the last name of the author. This way, all of the pieces written by an author are found on the same shelf. When you enter the nonfiction section, however, books are shelve in a totally different way: the Dewey Decimal System. This method collects groups of books on the same subjects. Rather than searching for a name, we search for a number. And while the name on the spine represents a talented writer, the number represents the collective knowledge on any given topic humans have ever dared to speculate about. Fiction brings credit to the individual; nonfiction brings credit to teamwork.
   Wandering through the metaphorical library of life, searching for the relevant shelves, and in the attempt to locate the perfect piece of work, its important that we select the right genre. Instead of "my," use "our." Harness the power of nonfiction writing, the raw reality that when we stand together, we stand as one.
   Recognize that there truly is power in numbers.

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